
Non-invasive wrinkle treatment at the University of Ottawa.

Ottawa patients can readily treat fine lines and wrinkles non-invasively with neuromodulators to reveal a refreshed and rejuvenated appearance. Neuromodulator treatments (such as BOTOX COSMETIC®) relax the muscles that cause lines and wrinkles such as crow’s feet, frown lines, forehead wrinkles, bunny lines (next to the nose), sad smile lines, neck wrinkles and more. The skin is smoothed and a rested quality is imbued to the face. During an in-depth consultation, your surgeon will review your health and medical history and establish a plan to achieve your aesthetic objectives. Your surgeon will discuss what to expect pre, during and post treatment to ensure your comfort, safety and optimal outcomes. Some redness and swelling may occur at the injection site and will subside within hours of the treatment. Neuromodulator treatments are temporary and require repeat treatments at recommended intervals in order to maintain results.

Neuromodulators | Plastic Surgeons

The non-invasive cosmetic procedures performed at the Resident Aesthetic Clinic are monitored and overseen by professors of the Faculty of Plastic Surgery. The latest advancements in neuromodulator treatments are employed to ensure safety, optimal outcomes and patient satisfaction.